Intro to .Net
Learn foundational Dotnet techniques from Industrial mentor and get Industry ready
- 30 Days | Online or Offline
With Industries Experts From

What is .Net?
This hands on course provides students with hands on experience using Visual Studio to create desktop Windows Forms and web applications using the .NET 4.0 Framework using CU. The course provides a thorough introduction to the Ctt programming language, includ-ing coverage of the essentials of the 0$ programming language, built in data types, operators, control structures, classes and methods, col-lections and exception handling. Students then learn how to leverage the power of the .NET Framework to build desktop and Web applications. Students learn how to build Windows and Web Forms applications and use with a variety of controls to create sophisticated user interfaces. Students also learn how to use the Background Worker to perform asynchronous operations. Students also learn how to use ADO.NET to interact with databases and XML files. Students learn how Windows Forms uses data binding to display data in controls such as the Data Grid View and Chart. Students also learn how to build and interact with simple WCF SOAP Web Services. Comprehensive labs provide the students with extensive experience creating and deploying Windows Forms-based desktop applica-tions.
Why to learn in strydo?
Gain a deep understanding of how to build, deploy and scale programs in Java for almost any application. Will help take your skill set to the next level in this widely utilized and useful language. You’ll be able to build software’s
Intro To Core .Net
.Net Framework 4.0
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- 30 Days | Online or Offline
About .Net Framework 4.0- Common Language Run time- Base Class Library, Namespaces
– Understanding the Role of Namespaces
– Defining Custom Namespaces
— Referencing Members in a Namespace
— common Type System (CTS)
— Intermediate Language
— Assemblies
Intro to Visual Stuidio
Sign-up For the lessons and speakers that coincide with your course syllabus Meet and Greet with Instructors
- 30 Days | Online or Offline
Creating a Project
-Using the Code Editor
-Correcting Syntax Errors
-Setting Project Properties
-Adding References
– Compiling, Running and debugging your first Program
-using the MSDN (Help)
Introduction to c#
Sign-up For the lessons and speakers that coincide with your course syllabus Meet and Greet with Instructors
- 30 Days | Online or Offline
C# Basic Data types and Statements
—Overview of Programming Structure and Concepts
-Understanding Data Types
– Working with Variables Constants and Literals
-Reference Types & Value Types, Boxing and UnBoxing
Power of Strydo Teaching
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- Our platform gives you access to expert tutors, learning resources and encourages feedback and collaboration with your peers
- Strydo takes great pride in bringing the very best trainers and facilitators to our course session
- All strydo trainers and facilitators have extensive experience working in, and with, great companies
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- Customized course model
- Course Curriculum designed by Industry Leaders
- 1-1 hands on industry exposure
- Real-world case studies
- Mock Interviews
- Capstone Project
- Value added certification programs from HPE based
- Unlimited online learning from strydo cloud labs
- Easy access learning materials from strydo blogs

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