Intro to Power System

Learn foundational Power System Techniques from Industrial mentor and get Industry ready

With Industries Experts From


What is Power System?

AC electric power transmission networks and addresses a range of challenges related to reactive power and voltage control as well as steady-state and transients stability. Students will learn in detail the principles of traditional reactive power compensation (shunt reactors and capacitors); series compensation and modem static reactive com-pensation like SVC, STATCOM and other flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) devices. The effects of each of these types of compensation on static and dynamic voltage control, reactive power requirement and steady-state and transient stability problems are covered from theoretical as well as practical aspects. Particular attention is given to the mathematical models and principles of operation of many types of com-pensation systems. Basic principles of operation and control of High-Voltage DC (HVDC) systems and their impact on steady-state and dynamics of power system will be covered as well

Why to learn in strydo?

Enhance your skill set and boost your hirability through innovative, independent learning. Accelerate your career with the credential that fast-tracks you to job success. Ideal for those beginning a career in data science. Master the tools and methods of data analysts. Ideal for those searching for a general purpose programming language. Learn a programming language designed with data science in mind


Intro To Deep Learning

Introduction of electrical and electronics

Sign-up For the lessons and speakers that coincide with your course syllabus Meet and Greet with Instructors

 – An overview electrical and electronics
– Definition, and basics of electricity
– Basics elements -transformer, power supply units
– history of electrical and electronics
– Electrical units and definitions

Power devices

Sign-up For the lessons and speakers that coincide with your course syllabus Meet and Greet with Instructors

– POWER MOSFET (low power and high power )
– passive components and active components
– voltage control devices and current control devices

Introduction of Matlab

Sign-up For the lessons and speakers that coincide with your course syllabus Meet and Greet with Instructors

– Installing MATLAB software
– Starting and quitting the MATLAB program
– desktop tools and development environment
– Creating script (.M FILES) and models (.MDL FILES)

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