Intro to Selenium

Learn foundational techniques on Selenium from Industrial mentor and get Industry ready

With Industries Experts From


What is Selenium ?

 Selenium is a free (open source) automated testing framework for verifying web applications on different browsers and platforms. You can use various programming languages, such as Java, C#, Python, etc. Create a Selenium test script. Tests performed using Selenium testing tools are usually called Selenium tests. Selenium software is not just a tool, but a set of software, each part of which meets the organization's different Selenium QA testing needs. This is the list of tools

Why to learn in strydo?

Gain a deep understanding of how to build, deploy and scale programs in Java for almost any application. Will help take your skill set to the next level in this widely utilized and useful language. You’ll be able to build software’s


Intro To Selenium

Intro to test Automation

Sign-up For the lessons and speakers that coincide with your course syllabus Meet and Greet with Instructors

– What is Automation Testing
– Manual Versus Automation
– Tools for Automation Testing
– Introduction to Selenium

Intro to java programming

Sign-up For the lessons and speakers that coincide with your course syllabus Meet and Greet with Instructors

– Data Types and Variables
– Operators
– Conditional & Decision Making
– Arrays
– Functions in Java
– Loops (For, While)
– Classes and Objects

Intro to Selenium webdriver

Sign-up For the lessons and speakers that coincide with your course syllabus Meet and Greet with Instructors

– How does WebDriver work
– Running on different browsers
– Locators -HTML Tags
– ID, Name, Xpath, CSS etc
– Difference between Absolute & Complete Xpath/XPath axes
– Finding your first element
– WebElement Commands

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