Intro to Tableau
Learn foundationalTableau techniques from Industrial mentor and get Industry ready
- 30 Days | Online or Offline
With Industries Experts From

What is Tableau?
Tableau is the fastest growing and powerful data visualization tool used in the business intelligence industry. It helps to simplify the original data in a very easy-to-understand format. Tableau helps create data that can be understood by professionals at any level in the organization. It also allows non-technical users to create custom dashboards. Data analysis using Tableau tools is very fast, and the visualizations created are in the form of dashboards and worksheets.
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Intro To Tableau
Tableau Desktop
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- 30 Days | Online or Offline
This course covers Tableau Creator functionality required for new Tableau users. It starts with simple visualisations and moves to an in-depth look at the different chart and graph functions, calculations, mapping and other functionality
The lessons are organised into modules that provide conceptual information, how-to steps, follow me (where the students follow the instructor using Tableau) and tutorials on each subject
Connecting to Data
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- 30 Days | Online or Offline
– Live connection
– Extract data
– Combine data sources- Join tables
– Blend data sources
– Cross-database join Date Functionality
– Discrete and continuous dates
Multiple Visualisations
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- 30 Days | Online or Offline
– Measure names and measure values
– Side by side bar Combined axis chart
– Stacked marks
– Dual axis chart
– Bar in bar chart
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